Online Shopping

Society and innovations have led to consumers shopping from the comfort of their own home. Online shopping is the modern way to purchase items. However, too much of a good thing could be a bad thing. Some students have self-control, while others get carried away with adding items to their shopping cart.
“I used to have an online shopping habit,” senior Kevin Poussard said. “You could even call it an addiction.”
Poussard shops a lot on Amazon, for just about everything from deodorant to coffee supplies. After all, “coffee is the key to happiness” Poussard said.
Junior Munim Rahman shops on Amazon about every few weeks.
“I mostly buy clothes online,” Rahman said. “I used to have a lot of fitting issues, but now I got used to it.”
Rahman said that he looks at a few guidelines online to find out which sizes would fit him the best.
“I spend an average of $150 every time I shop [online],” Rahman said. “I stop when I realize when I don’t have any money left to spend.”
Meanwhile, Poussard buys everything except clothes online. He said he likes to get an idea of what he is looking for online, then goes to the store to purchase the clothing because he likes to see how he looks in the clothing before purchasing it.
“For things like cologne,” Poussard said, “I ask people for their opinions, but I don’t [rely on people] a lot.”
Poussard said the main reason he prefers online shopping is because there are so many options, and stores tend to be out of stock on items most often. However, Poussard said that he had too many items that he was not using and his “depleting bank account” was becoming an issue that needed to be addressed.
“I try not to be a compulsive buyer,” Poussard said. “[Now], 99 percent of the time I just [window shop]. I leave items in my shopping cart for a week and if I still want it, then I order it.”
Junior Mikayla Spradlin said she enjoys shopping online and in stores, but prefers online shopping.
“I do it when I bored,” Spradlin said. “It’s just easier [to shop online].”
Spradlin shops online the most during the winter for various reasons.
“I buy a lot of sweatshirts,” Spradlin said. “But now I only shop once a week.”
Since it is softball season she is not working, so she doesn’t have as much money to shop as much, in addition to her limited amount of free time. She said she prides herself about her self control.
“I wouldn’t say I have a shopping addiction because I can stop myself,” Spradlin said. “I only spend about 30 to 50 dollars.”
Although shopping online with a credit card card may seem easy, one must be aware of the dangers.
“Make sure you have enough money,” Economics and personal finance teacher Felix Caraballo said.
Caraballo said he doesn’t only shop online, because he like to compare prices.
“Just because there’s a good price on Amazon Prime, doesn’t mean stores don’t offer a better price,” said Caraballo.
However, if the store is 20 miles away and the item is only a few cents difference, Caraballo will order the product online.
“Be smart with your money,” Caraballo said.