Clean Cuts Lawn Care

Most high schoolers ask their parents when they need small amounts of cash, but junior Raj Aberle drifted away from the crowd and found his own means of income.
Aberle went to his neighbor’s house, not long after he asked his parents, and offered his help with their yard work. After a full day of work and $40, Aberle felt pleased with himself. This is how his business began.
“Originally, I wanted [money] to pay for a movie,” Aberle said. “I earned more than I expected.”
This is when the idea for a full on business struck Aberle and he moved on from there. Working five days a week, he now has a very full schedule.
“It’s called Clean Cuts Lawn Care,” Aberle said. “My mom is the manager and she tells me where to go and I do the work.”
Now that the company has been able to grow, an employee has been added to the mix. Lucas, a local college student, also works with Aberle. They work every day after school, and sometimes on weekends.
“I guess that you could say it’s fun,” Aberle said. “But it is work.”
The company isn’t expected to last forever, but it should last Aberle long enough to get the money that he wanted. A landscaping company was the simplest way to earn money that he could think of.
“My parents didn’t want to give me money to spend,” Aberle said, “so I thought that I’d find my own money.”
Clean Cuts Lawn Care has also been working to earn customers. There are stickers, t-shirts, flyers and business cards. Overall, the company is doing very well, according to Aberle.
“I have stickers on the backs of both my trucks,” Aberle said.
When the company was little more than an idea, Aberle asked his parents if he could borrow their tools for his yard work.
“I saved up money and bought my own equipment,” Aberle said. “We keep it all in my shed.”
Using this new equipment, Aberle has been busy after school almost every day and is able to keep good grades and not fall behind.
“School hasn’t really been a problem,” Aberle said.
With a successful business and help from his parents, Aberle has been able to create and run his own business.
“It’s worth the work,” Aberle said. “And my parents really help me manage it.”