Girls’ Basketball Loses Tenth Game of the Season


The Lake Braddock Bruins Girls’ Varsity basketball team lost their tenth game to the now 10-6 West Potomac Wolverines. The Bruins fall to fourth in the district behind Robinson, West Springfield, and West Potomac.

Freshman Sovay Reid, Freshman Emma Cajchun, Junior Elena Small, Junior Sarah Pritz, and Senior Christina Vaughan were the starters for the game. Pritz won the tipoff for the Bruins, but Cajchun scored the first basket on Braddock’s third possession after a minute and 43 seconds. Cajchun’s basket was the first of four three-pointers scored early by the Bruins, and they were 4-9 on three-pointers in the first quarter. The quarter ended with a one-point lead by West Potomac, with the score being 15-14.

The three-pointers slowed down in the second quarter, with only two made by the bruins. The Wolverines combatted the Bruins’ six blocks in the first half by gaining a nine-point lead by the end of the half. The Bruins committed six fouls in the first half, whereas the Wolverines only committed four.

At the beginning of the third quarter, the Wolverines went on an early run out-scoring the Bruins 7-2. At the end of the third quarter, the Wolverines maintained their lead and were still ahead 45-38.

Throughout the fourth quarter, the score difference was stable at seven and eight points. The Bruins committed ten fouls in the second half, and the Wolverines committed eight.

The final score was 66-59, with the Wolverines winning by seven points, maintaining their spot as second in the district.

Senior Christina Vaughen scored the most for the Bruins, with 20 points, followed by Juniors Elena Small and Sarah Pritz, who scored 11.

The Bruins’ next game is a region game on Tuesday, January 24th at West Springfield as they play the Spartans who are third in the district.

The game was announced by Seniors Evan Schick, Ken McKeever and Juniors Jake Drumm, and Padraig Hall and was recorded and streamed by Junior Lake Abrahamson.