A Bit at a Time

Technology can be scary. As a person who lives and breathes the latest phones and tablets, stays up late at night watching footage from obscure conferences, and once even convinced my mom to let me skip a Spanish final so I could fix my home PC, even I can struggle to keep up with the pace of tech.

Every year we are seduced by men in turtleneck sweaters, spitting off numbers and acronyms and convincing us that only the newest and greatest gadgets are the gateway to the future. The world of technology moves at the speed of light, and suddenly that shiny iPhone 4S from four years ago is nothing but a metal and glass paper weight taking up room on your desk. To a lot of people this breakneck speed is unappealing, a constantly changing landscape of information that’s nearly impossible to pin down, and because of this, some of the most exciting news can slip through the cracks.

Back in 1975, at the height of the computer science boom, Co-Founder of Intel, Gordon Moore, hypothesized that every two years computing power would double. So far, that has been nothing but the truth. Optimists from around the globe have been paving us a vision of the future, with circuit boards and touch screens lining the path. Whether or not you believe in these wild predictions, we make exciting advances every day, and it’s my goal to share them with you. In this column I hope to shed some light on the less-talked-about pieces of technology, explain some of the more obscure bits and paint you an image what my vision of the future will look like. In this column we’ll tackle the big stuff, but we’ll do it just “A Bit at a Time.”

If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me at [email protected].