Hockey puts opponents on ice
photo courtesy of Gregg Zelkin
Freshman Bryson McDaniels takes a shot during a game against Yorktown on Jan. 9.
Hockey: one of the loudest, roughest and fastest-paced sports to have been played in the United States. Countless fans yell and shake the stands during games as they cheer on their favorite teams. But, if this sport is so loud and makes its appearance so apparent, then why is so little information about our ice hockey team known?
“Our hockey team is a club sport and not a FCPS-funded scholastic sport,” sophomore Mark Anwyll said. “The scholastic sports will always have more team coverage.”
The team is led by freshman Bryson McDaniels, who currently has five assists as well as two goals. Two other important players are sophomore Michael Sevachko and senior Zach Erdman. Sevachko has scored four goals over the season so far as well as two assists. Erdman is not far behind with three goals of his own along with two assists.
“Our team has the potential to be one of the best high school teams in Northern Virginia,” Anwyll said. “Sadly, since it is a club sport, attendance is not mandatory, and we miss some of our best players. Also, we don’t have a lot of ice time, so we don’t get to practice often. If we could practice as a team more, we could learn our strengths and weaknesses better.”
So far, the team has had three home games at Prince William Ice Center; all of which resulted in wins for the Bruins. They have also had three away games with less success, for a record of two losses and one tie. The first of the home games was against Chantilly. The Bruins were able to come away with the win with a final score of 9-0, starting off the season strong. Another win for LB came when they faced off against Yorktown. That game, freshman Jacob Lechner and McDaniel contributed a goal apiece as well as two assists. In the third win, the Bruins almost lost their grip against Woodbridge, but were able to pull through and hang on for the narrow win of 3-2. The team does not have a post season, so the season ends in February.
“We seem to just know where the other is on the ice at all times,” Anwyll said, “and we use that to our advantage. I believe we all seem to click and it creates great team chemistry.”