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Lake Braddock's Independent Student Newspaper

The Bear Facts

Lake Braddock's Independent Student Newspaper

The Bear Facts

Lake Braddock's Independent Student Newspaper

The Bear Facts

Neighborhood gentrification: our community is under attack

Neighborhood gentrification: our community is under attack

Marcell Subert, News Editor April 14, 2015

Just a decade ago, the H Street corridor in Washington’s Northeast quadrant boasted no more than a few dingy strip malls and an unimpressive collection of take-out restaurants. In the past five years,...

Hospital reform gone mental Mental

an Anonymous Writer March 9, 2015

Late last year, I voluntarily sought help after a suicide attempt, and was subsequently checked into a local hospital’s adolescent unit for mental health care. As I walked in for the first time, the...

New year, new approach to racism

Kinaya Hassane, Staff Writer February 5, 2015

In light of the recent uproar over police treatment of African Americans, an important question has come up: How do we fix America’s race problem? Despite the massive strides people of color have made...

Justice for sexual crimes: start with admin

Kinaya Hassane, Staff Writer December 18, 2014

Rape. It’s a horrible crime that makes us think of dark alleys and shady strangers. But rape is occurring on beautiful college campuses and is being perpetrated by well-educated young men. This is detailed...

Volunteering is as seasonal as Jingle Bells

Volunteering is as seasonal as Jingle Bells

Marcell Subert, News Editor December 18, 2014

It’s a crisp November morning in the hip neighborhood of Shaw in our nation’s capital, and scores of college students and young professionals are streaming through the back door of a small Universalist...

Killing pain different than killing people

Marcell Subert, News Editor November 26, 2014

On Saturday, Nov. 1, terminally-ill cancer patient Brittany Maynard chose to end her own life after just 29 years by means of drugs prescribed to her under Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act. After being...

While students visit the U.S. Capital on a school trip, just miles away there are thousands who are shut out of economic gains and prosperity.

Woe to the unprivileged

Kinaya Hassane, Staff Writer November 26, 2014

Think about your life right now. You probably live in a nice home. If you can drive, then you probably have your own car. Every morning, you drive your car to one of the best schools in the nation with...

LB AP US History, like all US APUSH classes, are using the same curriculum that is being reconsidered in Colorado.

In Colorado, honesty is history

Kinaya Hassane, Staff Writer November 7, 2014

American history is ugly. Starting from the nation’s founding and continuing all the way to the present day, this country’s image is tarnished by violence and inequality that often gets glossed over...

Protester Anthony Shahid leads marchers as they confront Missouri State Highway Patrol troopers in front of the Ferguson, Mo., police station on Monday, Aug. 11, 2014. Marchers are entering a third day of protests against Saturday's police shooting of Michael Brown.

Murder is murder: Why character doesn’t matter

Daniel Jarris, Staff Writer October 14, 2014

What determines the value of one’s life? Does it fluctuate based on their success in school? Or whether he or she had a sense of humor or a short temper? As absurd as this seems out of context, all of...

Domestic Violence: Not a black and white issue

Domestic Violence: Not a black and white issue

Kinaya Hassane, Staff Writer October 7, 2014

“If he even raises a hand at you, leave.” Every young woman is familiar with this mantra. But as obvious as it sounds, statistics show that it’s much easier said than done. According to the National...

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