Friday Night Sights

John Lorence

It was 52 degrees on Friday night. The lights shine down on Joe Darsey. He stands on top of a trash can in the bleachers holding an air horn on one hand and a football in the other. Tonight, he’s not in his typical cargo shorts and t-shirt—his body is painted gold, his hair is pushed back with a gold hair band and he’s wearing a shoulder pad. In front of him, a crowd of bodies and faces blend into one color: gold. Screams mix in with the marching band and air horns. At halftime, the band and color guard marches on to the field to do their 10 minute performance.


“I love being a part of that family atmosphere,” junior Stephanie Chewning said. “Every week, I look forward to Friday nights, getting to put on paint and wear all of one color. But besides all the paint and clothes, it’s an honor to be able to support the team. The cheers, the chants. I know when I get home on Friday nights my voice will be gone, but it’s all worth it.”


Each section in the bleachers, sidelines, everyone at Lake Braddock on Friday nights is brought together for the same reason: to support the 58 boys on the football team who are fighting to win the victory.


“It’s an honor to be able to support the team,” Chewning said. “The cheers, the chants. I know when I get home on Friday nights, my voice will be gone, but it’s all worth it.”